Road to California Quilters Conference and Showcase 2025
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Volunteer at the Show
Raffle Quilts
Quilt Contest
Contest Winners
Special Exhibit
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Volunteer Opportunities

The success of Road relies on the good will of our volunteers. 
All volunteer positions require that you be in good physical health, with the ability to stand and walk for the two-hour shift.  All volunteers must be 18 years or older for insurance requirements and sign a liability waiver.

All Shifts are available to sign up on the class registration page

Unpacking Volunteer

Each year SATURDAY prior to the opening of the show, we assemble a crew to unpack the quilts and sort them for judging. Volunteers for this position need to be physically fit, and able to stand for most of the day. Volunteers must:
(1) Not wear makeup, perfume or scented lotion.
(2) Wear closed-toe, comfortable shoes
(3) NOT wear dangling jewelry, and earrings
(4) Be able to follow specific directions.
These directions are for the safety and security of our quilt entries. Unpacking is a half day event on Saturday. We start in the morning at 7 AM, and will finish by 12 PM.

Photography Volunteer

On Monday as the quilts are being set up, we take photographs of all the winners. We need a crew of physically fit Roadies to help us photograph the quilts. Volunteers must:
(1) Be able to stand for long periods of time.
(2) Not wear makeup, perfume or scented lotion.
(3) Wear closed-toe comfortable shoes
(4) Not wear dangling jewelry, and earrings
Our Photographer will take care of providing you direction on how you can help. Photography starts at 8 AM on Monday and generally is concluded by 4 PM, but times do vary.

Quilt and Special Exhibit Set Up:

This is a perfect way to get up close and personal with the quilts and the people who help plan the show! We are looking for agile volunteers who have the stamina to work these longer shifts in assisting with the hanging of quilts and special exhibits. Volunteers Must:
Assists with hanging of quilts and special exhibits.
Agility and stamina required. May require standing for long periods of time.
Please do not wear makeup, perfume, scented lotion, dangling jewelry and earrings.
Wear closed toed comfortable shoes – you’re in an active set up environment.
Times for Quilt and Special Exhibit Hanging
Monday   8 AM – 8 PM
Tuesday  8 AM – 5:30 PM

White Glove Opportunities
White Glove Volunteers are front-line volunteers who protect the quilts, ensuring that guests do not touch them. White Glove Volunteers greet visitors, circulate within their assigned area.
The rules are simple:
    Wear a black skirt or pants and a white blouse.
    Report to the Volunteer Desk 15 minutes before starting time.
    Remain within your assigned area. No shopping during your shift.
    A minimum shift is 2 hours and cannot be split with another volunteer.
Available Times:
Tuesday: 5:30 PM - 8 PM
Wednesday - Friday: 9 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 4:45 PM

Take Down Volunteer

Can you believe that what takes multiple days to set up is taken down in a little over 2 hours?!? Our take down crew is the best in the country if you ask us. You’ll get a behind the scenes look on how we keep track of and safeguard our quilts.
Agility and stamina required. May require standing for long periods of time.
Please do not wear makeup, perfume, scented lotion, dangling jewelry and earrings.
Wear closed toed comfortable shoes – you’re in an active tear down environment.
Volunteers must be able to:
(1)  Be able to stand for long periods of time
(2)  Not wear makeup, perfume or scented lotion
(3)  Wear closed-toe, comfortable shoes
(4) Not wear dangling jewelry and earrings
Saturday: 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 

Return Quilt Shipping Volunteer

We ship back all the quilts you see at Road in one day! Sunday, after the show closes,a small crew is assembled to help send back over 1,000 quilts. Volunteer get to see those beautiful works of art one last time before the quilts get carefully packed into a boxes and sent home.
We start promptly at 8 AM on Sunday, and work until every quilt is in a box and ready for FedEx – generally until 4 PM.
Volunteers must:
(1) Not wear makeup, perfume or scented lotion.
(2) Wear closed toe comfortable shoes
(3) NOT wear dangling jewelry, and earrings
(4) Able to follow specific directions.
Sit Down Opportunities:
At the present time Road to California does not have any sit down opportunities.
Below are the "perks" for a Roadie who volunteers their time during the previous Road to California.
(VIQ is not an eligible position for the below perks):
• 2 Hours - Single Day Admission
• 4 Hours - Multi-Day Admission, Year Bar and Road Bag.
• 6 Hours - All of the above and choice of: Special Event or Lecture Ticket** or Priority Registration for the following year's Class Sessions 
(Priority Registration allows you to register for classes on-line up to 1 week prior to the general public!)

** Tickets subject to availability. Excludes Bus Trips.

Please be advised - Opportunity Quilt volunteers only receive admission the day they white glove. We do not provide any additional perks beyond the single day admission for opportunity quilt volunteer hours.

Updated June 12, 2023 - JR